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Khadra doll
خضرة دمية صديقة للبيئة – Khadra, Environmentally Friendly Doll خضرة دمية صديقة للبيئة ، مصنوعة بالكامل من الأقمشة وقامت بتنفيذها سيدات مصريات يعملن من المنزل. خضرة تمثل المرأة المصرية الفلاحة مرتدية جلابية من القطن المصري البسيط. يطلق مصطلح “فلاحة” على نساء الريف المصري. – من تصميم باسنت سعيد Khadra is an environmentally friendly soft doll,… continue reading
About King Tut
This Video is by National Geographic King Tutankhamun_ known as King Tut, was the 12th pharaoh (the common title of monarchs of ancient Egypt) of the 18th Egyptian dynasty, in power from approximately 1332 to 1323 B.C.E.He was nicknamed as the boy king, at the age of nine or ten, taking the throne name Nebkheperure…. continue reading
The Making of Queen Cleopatra & Kind Tut Dolls
Making of Cleopatra & Tutankhamun
PAF dolls_Early Tilia The Chubby Collection
PAF dolls’s early Tilia the Chubby collection
The Story of PAF dolls_Passant Saied, Founder
PAF dolls, Passant Art Factory dolls, established in 2017. We have around 21 outsourced skilled labor from Egypt, India & Pakistan. “OUTSOURCING, has become a common practice that allows SMEs to Reduce Operational & Labor Costs, and Select Specialists in different fields. We are glad being in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals #5&8 for… continue reading
Bent El NileTV Program_ Women Economic Forum
PAF dolls for Women Empowerment & Inclusion: We are glad being in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals #5&8 for Gender Equality, Decent Work & Economic Growth, as we economically empower less fortunate women, by providing them with the know how, the patterns, the materials and machinery needed to sew our dolls from… continue reading
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